Thursday, May 24, 2012

Grilled Salmon for Dinner

Tonight's dinner was some Costco salmon I had in the freezer. I cooked it up on the 'ole George Foreman and it turned out delicious. It's a pretty good hunk of meat so I think I will be enjoying it for a few more nights this week.

  • Dill Weed
  • Oregano Leaves
  • Lemon & Pepper
  • Onion Powder
  • Basil
  • Garlic Powder

When I grill I tend to take after my dad and start rummaging through the spice rack, tossing whatever seasonings sound good at the time in the mix. I don't measure anything... just try to evenly coat the meat in each seasoning. In this case I seasoned the backside first then threw it on the grill and seasoned the top while it started to sizzle.

  1. Preheat electric grill.
  2. Season the salmon.
  3. Spray the grill with oil.
  4. Cook the salmon 6-8 minutes (time dependent on thickness)
  5. Salt to taste

I cooked mine for about 8 minutes, but it was thick, probably about an inch or so.

The only downside to cooking fish in the house is the stench seems to stick around for a day. Next time I think I'll take advantage of the nicer weather and use the outdoor grill. 

I added some green beans as my veggie and a small salad. The dinner was awesome, the salmon flaked easily with a fork and had great flavor with not even a hint of fishiness.  Definitely looking forward to leftovers tomorrow night!

I just had to include this classic since I'm thinking about salmon... Still makes me laugh.


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